An Englishman and his spaniel

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The sofa

We're on the sofa... that spaniel-tastic place where spaniels quite simply love to be.

Jess has had an afternoon full of very special spaniel activities, such as smelling the air, posing with one front paw in the air whilst staring intently at birdies, chasing birdies, mud diving, looking for BIG sticks and then whacking her owner with them every time she runs past
- oblivious to her owner's annoyance!

And now we are pooped and we're here on the sofa. How did we get here? Well, someone (Jess) was univited, but feeling a bit 'soft' Jess's master ignored this act of naughtiness. It is Sunday after all... a day of peace and relaxation. Any other day, Jess would be orderd down to the floor, where all self-respecting spaniels should be.

Jess has nuzzled her way into her owners armpit (not always a pleasant place to be), sighing and grunting as if she is really displeased about something, but what's the problem? Perhaps it is having to share the sofa with someone else? Perhaps she is just trying to make herself comfortable? Who knows?... only the spaniel, such is the mystery surrounding those spaniel ways.

A night of TV ensues, the spaniel is oblivious to this; as long as she is by her master's side on the sofa she is content and happy. She doesn't wonder what's on the TV, think about that 12 noon deadline at work tomorrow, or think about what's for supper. Oh no, Jess is just simply happy in the knowledge of being by her master's side.

Warm, cosy and content the night drifts on...


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