Re: the sofa

While my master's at work... I've managed to access his blog. I have to say the sofa was grrreat the other day...
I was absolutely shattered after our walk. I'm not unfit though, oh no, you see we cocker spaniels don't just go for a walk - walking involves so much more than just walking! For example, smelling the air, to catch the scent of a birdie, posing (this looks simple but requires a great deal of muscles tone) and finding BIG sticks (the bigger the better as far as I am concerned - I just love sticks) - these are just a few of the additional things we spaniels do when we're out and about! It's very tiring you know.
Unequivacoly, the sofa is mine. My master doesn't seem to realise this. He seems to be oblivious to the secret spaniel code - part 10; clause B - 'The sofa belongs to the spaniel without exception.' I have tried to be subtle about this, for example, after our walk yesterday I jumped up next to my owner 'uninvited'. This time he didn't order me down, but usually he gets a bit upset about it. If only he knew how graceful I am being. As a puppy, I was told stories by my parents about King Charles spaniels who always sat on their sofa and their owner knew who was boss. Respect where it is due - this is quite surprising as they are such weak and feable looking dogs. Anyhow, I had to face the idignity and smell of nuzzling into my owner's armpit to help secure my position on the sofa - what a pong! I also had to do a bit of sighing with a few groaning noises tossed in for effect - humans seem to find this 'cute'.
Anyhow, my mission was accomplished - I managed to secure the sofa for the rest of the evening. Hurrah! It was SO cosy and warm, better than my flea pit of a bed on the cold floor! Whoops, I'd better dash as I can hear the key in the front door - time to jump off the sofa [hehehehe]. I hope he doesn't realise that it is still warm...
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