Re: the harness

First, it's really uncomfortable. Didn't my master notice that I've started to waddle like a duck? What's more - I don't pull any more, because it nips just under my armpits, grrr!
Second, although Poppy is good at walking on the lead at the moment, she won't be for much longer. You see, as mentioned the other day, all spaniels must abide by the secret spaniel code, which in part 3; clause f states that 'Until the age of 1 year, the spaniel must obey every command from their master. After the age of 1 year, the spaniel is ready to 'exchange control', ie to take control of their master and all other humans associated with them'. This rule ensures that we spend the first year of our lives learning about our master and what really makes them tick, so we are 100% ready to take control of the master and his household. Poppy is 9 months old, in 3 months time she will turn into a super arsey spaniel. Poppy's master, Ben, has no idea what's coming... hehehe
I should dash, my master is due back from the shops soon and I need to get ready for some more spaniel-tastic fun!
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